About this tour

16€ /

The "Running of the wine horses" dates back to the legend of the Knights Templar who on hearing about the plight of the Christians under siege by the Moors came to their aid.  Unfortunately they could only find wine so they tied skins full of this precious liquid and ran their horses up the hill to help the residents insde the Basilica.

This fiesta hold great importance to the people of the town, and during the morning about 60 horses adorned in the most beautiful mantles are paraded around the town, in front of the King and Queen of the procession.  Prizes are awarded for the best coat which can take up to a year to make and cost over 5,000 euros using real gold thread and beautifully embroidered with portraits of the groups the horse represents. 

Once they arrive at the Basilica the race begins against the clock and as they cross the finish line the four fearless members holding onto the horse have to still be holding tight, if they fall the team is disqualified.

We aim to arrive at midday and leave at 18.00



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Just booked our place for the running of the wine horses, we did the trip last year after seeing it on the TV programme  and it was an amazing experience, who knew we had such history and tradition on our doorstep.  Excellent driver and really comfy coach.  Looking forward to this again. 

Val & Tony, Los Balconies